Treehouse Speech 


Therapy Putty , when utilized during Occupational Pediatric Therapy treatments, mainly works on overall hand strength, but can be adapted to work on finger strength, pinching, dexterity, cutting skills, and stereognosis (recognizing the form of an object before seeing what it is). Therapy putty comes in different resistances, listed easy to most difficult: tan, yellow, red, green, blue, and black.

Fine motor skills allow your child to make movements using the small muscles in their hand and fingers. They are an important skill for many tasks like writing, getting dressed, cutting with scissors, drawing pictures, stringing beads, stacking blocks, and more every day and play activities. Along with arm and grip strength, these skills allow your child to brush their teeth, eat independently and more. Therapy putty helps strengthen fine motor skills and hand strength so your child can complete more tasks independently!

Putty can also be used to help children focus better in the classroom and when working on homework when used as a fidget tool. It’s also a calming tool to help children refocus and self-regulate when upset.

Our Therapists utilize Therapy Putty in many different ways, including hiding small objects within it and tasking kids to locate them.